Happy holidays! Someone once said, "a snowman falls from heaven... unassembled." Inspired in part by this year's heavy, unusually early snowfall, here are some winter-themed illustrations, as well as some recent client work.
A big thanks to my clients who've provided me with so many opportunities this year and in years past, leading to enduring client relationships, eye-catching publications, and major awards. I look forward to continued opportunities, and to collaborating with new clients as well. ❧ If you have a current project or one on the horizon, contact me...the thinking cap and paintbrushes are ready to go!
As the British artist and environmentalist Andy Goldsworthy observed, "snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood." I agree. I've never outgrown my love for snow, and between my childhood and that of my children I sometimes wonder how many snowmen I've "assembled," only to have them disappear—to be re-created season after season.
New York Times Best Books of 2018
Appearing in the New York Times last week, for an article in which three book reviewers each select their ten favorite books of 2018. Yes, there are 30 books in the illustration.
Another approach...
As is my custom, I often take unselected sketches to finish, simply out of a love for making art. When I submitted multiple sketches to the Times for the above illustration, I was really torn between which idea I liked more, and long before I had even heard back I knew I was going to take both the chosen and unchosen sketches to finish. This was the alternate idea. With - - 30 - - being both the designation for the end of a written manuscript and the combined number of books chosen for the article (3 reviewers, 10 books each), I couldn't resist sneaking that into the artwork.
LA Times: Infrastructure Bill
Hot off the press, an illustration for the LA Times accompanying an article about an infrastructure bill making it through Congress.
Venture Capital for Agriculture
For Thrive magazine, an illustration about a large agriculture company which has established a venture capital subsidiary to encourage development of new technology for more productive farming.
Writer's Block
An uncommissioned piece about creative block. Sometimes I have creative block, and sometimes I have more ideas than I have need for. This was the latter case... and idea in search of an assignment.
Buy, Buy, Buy
Every year for maybe ten years or more, I've done a pro-bono piece for the National Labor Federation calendar, on issues relating to migrant families and other disenfranchised or disadvantaged populations. This image related to the stress felt by low-income families during the holiday season when American consumer culture encourages rampant spending.
Is there such a thing as too much success?
For an consulting firm's publication on the hazards of being too successful, too soon. Many companies lack the underlying discipline, resources and structure that are required to handle rapid growth.
Chapel at Loyola University
For many years I created the holiday cards sent out by Loyola University, each card featuring an iconic campus building. Part of the challenge was using a mix of various reference shots (invariably taken in the spring, summer or fall) and combining them into an aesthetically interesting perspective—while reimagining them in a snowy winter scene with holiday decorations. Understanding the building is important, and photos can be ambiguous or misleading, so I often used Google satellite or street view to better understand the building's structure and surroundings. This card features Loyola's chapel, and since I opted to show it at night to enhance the beauty of the stained glass, I also needed to imagine what that looked like when illuminated from behind—a challenge I love.
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Michael Glenwood Illustration 3018 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221 703.502.3400