Some recent artwork. Enjoy, and have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Finding creative solutions
When the way forward seems to have reached a dead end, creative solutions are sometimes called for.
WSJ: Quarantine
For an article examining various issues surrounding quarantine. How long must a person be quarantined? Who needs to be quarantined? Should adults and children be quarantined for the same amount of time?
A look at the emotional effects—and other issues—of being stuck in place during a 14 day quarantine period.
The End
The art of writing an obituary, from a series for Oprah magazine about grief.
Johns Hopkins: Targeting the X-cell
Researchers have pinpointed an "X" cell among "T" and "B" cells, that, when targeted, has promise in treating juvenile diabetes.
Executives and managers can streamline their operations by avoiding systems—such as supply chains or interactions between corporate entities—that have grown needlessly complex over time.
Stock images
Stock images are available for licensing through the ispot, a premium stock illustration licensing site.
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Michael Glenwood Illustration 4712 King William Road, Richmond, VA 23225 703.502.3400