Some recent awards, some new work, and some work-in-progress sketches.
As always, I love working with new clients, as well as those clients who've provided me with so many exceptional opportunities over the years—opportunities that have led to steady, long-term clients, eye-catching publications, and numerous awards from the major illustration competitions. ❧ If you have a current project or one on the horizon, I'd love to collaborate!
Early Snow
It’s still Fall, isn’t it? Or maybe it’s winter. An illustration celebrating this year’s early snow.
When art and commerce intersect
A piece for the LA Times, about the intersection of art and commerce. I’d almost forgotten I’d done this piece, but my son—an architecture major at the University of Virginia—stumbled upon it and brought it to my attention during a Google image search, as he worked on a class assignment to design a gallery space. I once majored in architecture, but this is about as close as I’ve ever gotten to designing a building. Which is probably good: math—and therefore engineering—was never my strong suit.
American Illustration party
Last week, American Illustration held its annual book bash in New York City. This piece—also done for the LA Times—was chosen for inclusion and is now on the American Illustration 37 website. Again, this was for an article that looked at a new way of curating exhibitions at LA's new museum of art (LACMA), which focuses on narrow themes rather than groupings of artists or eras. It is also featured in the World Illustration Awards exhibition at the Art House in Worcester UK, and at the Falmouth Art Gallery in Falmouth, UK.
Creative Quarterly 53: Tomorrow’s a New Day
An illustration about maintaining optimism in the face of challenging circumstances. I’m proud to have had this piece chosen for Creative Quarterly 53.
Also in Creative Quarterly 53: LA Times Fall Arts Preview
Another illustration chosen for Creative Quarterly 53, this is one of a series of three illustrations done for the covers of the LA Times’ Fall Preview Sections. (The other two were the Fall Movie Preview section and the Fall TV Preview section.) This works as a companion piece to the two "museum" illustrations above, a stylistic resemblance that was not consciously planned.
Behind the Scenes: Sketches for the Arts Preview
Except in rare instances, I present multiple sketches to a client for an illustration assignment. For the Fall Arts Preview illustration I submitted three. I wanted to combine the themes of "the arts" and "Fall," using a warm color palette. Having lived my entire life in the DC-to-Brooklyn, NY corridor, I found myself briefly pondering was how Fall is perceived in LA or the American Southwest versus the East Coast, specifically the idea of falling leaves. But I quickly concluded that, just as snow is universally understood to mean winter, falling leaves means Fall, even if you’re surrounded by palm trees or sagebrush.
In the Pipeline
A recent piece for Security Management magazine, which encourages companies that are seeking IT security specialists to look at those who are already in the company pipeline before considering new hires.
Trickle-down Healthcare
For the upcoming 2019 National Labor Federation calendar, an illustration about the millions of Americans who—while in a country of plenty— have very little to no access to quality healthcare. The calendar art a pro-bono job I’ve done annually for many years now.
Write-wing Hate Speech
An illustration about how the far right spreads its philosophy of hate through the written word—especially through blogs, but also through dog-whistle editorials, websites, pamphlets, and even graffiti.
For an article looking at how, and why, memories become scrambled and confused—and sometimes erased entirely—in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.
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Michael Glenwood Illustration 3018 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221 703.502.3400