Some new work.
Plus some recent images that reflect current events... and celebrate autumn's arrival.
I'm always excited about collaborating with new clients, as well as long-time clients who've provided me with so many exceptional opportunities—opportunities that have yielded satisfied clients, striking publications, and awards from the major juried illustration shows. ❧ If you have any projects on the horizon for which I'd be a good fit, don't hesitate to call!
New work: Podcasting takes a page from yesteryear
Created for the New York Times for a story about how some podcasts are beginning to take a page from vintage radio plays in terms of structure and the use of serialized storytelling.
Justice served cold
A commentary on the drinking habits of newly confirmed SCOTUS justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Hot off the press, a piece for Security Management magazine. Most people are aware of the vulnerability of the nation's electric grid to terrorism and sabotage, but few consider the threat posed to the water infrastructure, particularly dams, the water supply, and waste water systems. All are vulnerable to hacking. The water cascading down the dam consists of ones and zeros, threatening people and structures below.
Fall's here... American Gothic style
To celebrate the changing of the seasons, an illustration I did for the New Yorker Magazine's "Blown Covers" blog, on the subject of Fall. Nan—the woman in the painting—looks appropriately perturbed at the impending noise, and has wisely put in ear plugs.
Trick or treat: How the young brain works on Halloween
Candy sorted into the major categories, everything from fruity stuff to gooey stuff to peanutty stuff to duds. And somewhere in the back of the mind is tomorrow's homework assignment.
Climate change
This week's United Nations report on climate change paints a dire picture of what the world now faces. Dangerously rising sea levels, worsening food shortages and raging wildfires will happen well within the lifetime of much of the world's population. This illustration was published 2-3 years ago, immediately following the previous UN report on climate change; despite the alarms that that report set off, things have only gotten worse.
An illustration done for the American Federation of Teachers, which was juried into the Society of Illustrators annual exhibition. The image illustrates the confusion in the aftermath of sexual assault. Because of the psychological trauma, it can be difficult for victims to unravel some of the details. This piece took on renewed significance with the testimony—and subsequent treatment—of Christine Blasey Ford in the recent confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh.
Don't want to finish on a down note, so...
...another piece about Fall. There's nothing as satisfying as a perfectly raked lawn, but sometimes Mother Nature gets the last laugh.
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Michael Glenwood Illustration 3018 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221 703.502.3400