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news from m.glenwood

michael glenwood    www.michaelglenwood.com    703.502.3400    email

Summer's here! Some recent work, and a vacation-themed piece from the archives.
A note: With the recent shuttering of a couple of publications and a couple of art directors moving on, I'm looking to collaborate with new creatives. Got an assignment on the horizon? Give me a call (or a click.)

[And as always, you can find more new work on Instagram]


Does chatGPT and other AI word-prompt generative art processing tools steal the intellectual property and obscure the identity of the artists whose original work it "scrapes"?

common sense vial illustration

Thou Shalt Not Post...

... the Ten Commmandments. Artwork for an opening spread for Liberty Magazine, for an essay about the attempt by Texas to mandate the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools (and other public places). The line between church and state continues to be blurred and challenged in more and more jurisdictions.

post-roe supreme court illustration

What's Behind the Ten Commandments

For the same issue of Liberty Magazine, this illustration accompanied an essay by a minister who writes that since the Ten Commandments are "written in the hearts” of Christians, posting the Ten Commandments is not what’s important; rather, it’s faith and what’s behind the Ten Commandments that matters.

ESG Investing illustration

Vacation Time

A piece from the archives, done for the Art Directors Club of Metropolitan Washington for an article on how taking a break can restore artists' and designers' creative juices.

ChatGPT copyright illustration

Stop Before Choosing

Cover art for a consulting firm "white paper" publication on the value of stopping to pause and reconsider all angles before making an important decision.

simplify maze illustration

Stock images

Stock images are available for licensing through the ispot, a premium stock illustration licensing site.

Stock images

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Privacy and anti-spam notice: It's not my intention to spam. You've received this e-mail because you're a client or you've expressed an interest in receiving e-mails related to illustration. You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of each newsletter. I respect your privacy and do not share, sell or trade e-mail addresses with anyone! --Michael Glenwood
Michael Glenwood Illustration   4712 King William Road, Richmond, VA 23225   703.502.3400

Copyright © 2023 Michael Glenwood Gibbs. All rights reserved.

www.michaelglenwood.com   703.502.3400    email

represented by davidgoldmanagency.com    212.807.6627    email