Graphis #364 has hit the newsstands, and I'm honored to be featured with a 14-page profile of artwork, an interview, and testimonials from fellow illustrators whom I've long admired. Graphis is a highly regarded international journal of art and design, published quarterly.
A personal piece, which I recently revised, about artists bringing light into the world in the dark days of coronavirus social distancing and lockdowns.
Wall Street Journal
For a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, an illustration about the changes that workers may encounter upon returning to the workplace after the pandemic shutdown. There will be close tracking of employees through mobile devices, discrete sensors, tracking technology, monitored access, and other technology.
An illustration for Barron's magazine about utility companies bolstering preparedness during and after a pandemic.
Battle of the TV Screens
A piece for Pensions & Investments magazine, about executives sheltering in place at home, watching TV as family members battle to watch their own shows. The article interviewed numerous executives who along with their families watch everything from Bloomberg News to Netflix to Tiger King to live news programming to vintage Mickey Mouse Club reruns and old movies.
Stock images
Stock images are available for licensing through the ispot, a premium stock illustration licensing site.
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Michael Glenwood Illustration 4712 King William Road, Richmond, VA 23225 703.502.3400