March is the month God created to show people who don't drink what a hangover is like. — Garrison Keillor
LA Times Spring Arts Preview
From this past weekend's LA Times, a meta piece for the cover of the Spring Arts Preview section. The art director wanted a tie-in to my artwork for last year's Fall Arts Preview of leaves falling from a painting onto the gallery floor. Naturally, a twist was needed... leaves fall in the Fall, and flowers spring up in the Spring... which got me to thinking: why not also have a tie-in to last year's Spring Arts Preview cover art of flowers blossoming? The result was a mashup of the two previous Arts Preview covers, with a plant sprouting from a museum-quality vase tying it all together conceptually.
Last Spring and last Fall's covers.
The vase is inspired by ancient pottery, with leaves, birds, and the word Spring.
Drink Up
Like Garrison Keillor says, there are days in March that feel like the planet is having a hangover. Although, as Charles Dickens noted, there are also March days "when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." And so it's not all bad, but April is better. From the archives, an image created for Private Clubs magazine about organic spirits, called A Toast to Earth.
Creative Quarterly 55 Winners
As always, I'm humbled and grateful to have work accepted into Creative Quarterly, and five pieces were juried into the most recent volume, CQ55. These have been featured in past newsletters, so I won't belabor the point with lots of words and pictures. But here's a snapshot, with links to the earlier newsletters' entries.
I'm happy to announce that many of my illustrations are now available for licensing through the ispot, a premium stock illustration licensing site. As I sorted through multiple hard drives putting together a collection of images, I came across this illustration, Endless Stress... an apt metaphor, I thought, for the seemingly endless process of finding, resizing, tweaking, keywording, and cataloging hundreds of stock images. It's also one of the images now available as stock. My stock collection can be viewed here. Be sure to check back in the future as many more images are being added.
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Michael Glenwood Illustration 3018 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221 703.502.3400