OK, so this isn't really a February newsletter—although it would be if February were actually a month long. A short month that was long on assignments; here's some recent work.
Innovation and Growth
Created for the Boston Consulting Group, cover art for a corporate report on innovative ways to cultivate corporate growth.
Reining in Social Media
A recent piece for the New York Times about using financial incentives to encourage social media sites to rein in misinformation and hate speech.
A Wave of Vaccinations
With the rollout of multiple corona virus vaccines, lives are being saved as the country begins to emerge from the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Are There Shortcuts to True Achievement?
What is the impact of taking shortcuts to accomplish a goal? It's not just the accomplishment that leads to growth and fulfillment, but the journey itself.
Fear of Public Speaking
"Fear of Public Speaking" is based on an unselected sketch about the fear of public speaking. I generally submit several sketches for an illustration, and many times an idea I like comes in second to the art director's first choice. And many times, as is the case here, I take the unchosen sketch to final when I find the spare time. From an assignment by the Wall Street Journal.
Career Search
From the archives, an illustration done for the American Federation of Teachers, which accompanied an article about college students' career search after graduation.
The Resilience of Kids
For Teacher Magazine, about the ability of children to entertain themselves while under lockdown during Covid. Kids, it turns out, are great at using their imagination and creating their own world under challenging circumstances.
Stock images
Stock images are available for licensing through the ispot, a premium stock illustration licensing site.
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Michael Glenwood Illustration 4712 King William Road, Richmond, VA 23225 703.502.3400